In my work with clients, I aim to serve as a compassionate, authentic, and warm companion on the quest toward insight and self-discovery. I view therapy as a collaborative exercise characterized by mutual respect and feedback, and am thrilled that my clients describe working with me as a comfortable, nonjudgmental, and enlightening experience.

I describe my primary therapeutic approach as “insight-oriented.” I strongly believe that gaining insight around the “why” and “how” of a problem is critically important; it is only by identifying the root of an issue that we can embark on the task of creating lasting change. Keep in mind that in order to gain true understanding, we must also engage in deep emotional work. Identifying your feelings about the crux of the problem is a key component in generating improvement and fulfillment in your relationship with yourself and others. Theoretical orientations that feature strongly in my work include psychodynamic theory, attachment theory, dialectical behavioral therapy, and emotionally focused therapy; I also pull select techniques from cognitive behavioral therapy. Most of all, I tailor treatment to the specific needs of the client(s) to meet them exactly where they are as we work toward where they want to be.

My therapy style is authentic, curious, and nonjudgmental and I infuse compassionate humor as often as possible. My goal is to work diligently to empower you with the tools you need to gain insight and emerge from the therapy process stronger, happier, and with a clearer sense of self.

In addition to my work in private practice, I am an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital where I practice, teach, conduct research, and collaborate with colleagues within the School of Medicine and across Georgetown University, at large. As a researcher, I study mental health conditions associated with the preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum periods and work to develop clinical intervention strategies to bring psychological relief to women and their partners. I also study development, maintenance, and dissolution processes for couple relationships, as well as the myriad of challenges unique to the adolescence and emerging adulthood developmental periods. Race, culture, social determinants of health, racial/ethnic health disparities, and the experiences of racial/ethnic minorities are central components of my research. 

I am proud that my work as a clinician informs my work as a researcher–and vice versa. In our work together, you’ll notice that I infuse the latest clinical research and resources into therapy sessions; I believe that keeping up with research advances is critical in providing a well-rounded and informed therapeutic experience.

Outside of the office, I refuel and recharge by doing long-distance running, getting outdoors and into nature with my pup, finding new and exciting books to read, and spending quality time with loved ones.

If you are interested in my clinical services, please contact me today! I am very excited about the incredible work that we can do together.